Classroom management is a cardinal feature of the total education process. It contains all the steps through which interaction between the educator and the educant take place. Classroom management is the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite of disruptive behavior by students. The term also refers to the prevention of disruptive behavior of students (Berliner, 1988). Classroom management refers to all those essential activities which are highly necessary not only to create but also to maintain a supportive and orderly atmosphere. It includes planning and preparation of teaching and learning materials, organization of the materials, decoration of the classroom, creation of expectation and establishment and enforcement of rules and routines in the classroom (Tan, Parsons, Hinson and Sardo-Brown, 2003).
The way teachers conduct the classroom matters has a deep influence upon their own teaching and learning of the students, because classroom is a place where the closest interaction between the students and the teachers takes place (Muhammad and Ismail, 2001). Effective classroom management decides the effectiveness of teachers teaching quality and students learning. Effective teachers create a sound, supportive and friendly environment in classrooms where students feel safe, respected, cared and secured.
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